what are your expectations for the reception of this book?
the young mathematician says following our presentation of intention
at the Chennai Mathematical Institute where momentarily we are representatives of poetry
he is sweet
they are sweet
all giftet young people are sweet
what I expect?
I am speaking directly to him
on behalf of myself
how can I expect?
but I can hope
contrary to what I daily claim
a nod to my writing partner who smiles
but I do not hope but when I channel my inner 5-year old
who is still too young to see the world as different from
an amazing place
a wonderful place
a magical place
I blink my eyes in order to locate superlatives suitable to being 5
he is nodding
in apparent recognition of my struggle
and humans
humans as worlds onto themselves to explore and discover
my hope then is afterwards
readers will put down their fucking mobile phones
a nod across the room to those with whom we discussed attention span
that they put down their fucking computers and tablets
that they turn off their TV and the streaming of their
shitty TV-series and their shitty Superhero movies
to rise and do That Which Is Right
speaking directly into the eyes of the mathematician my who body quivering
but expectations
which expectations should I have
which are realistic?
to expect from words?