overblik år for år

 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022



2005: ATOMVÅBEN Not Just A Last Resort?

2006: Vi kommer fra Afghanistan’

2013Strawberry Pickers Shot by Bosses in Greece



  • Flygtninge går på motorvejene gennem Europa, mange med retning mod Sverige
  • Billedet af treårige Aylan Kurdi, død på stranden på Lesvos, går viralt og bliver ikonisk for krisen.
  • EU godkender integrationsprøve af indvandrere (Den hollandske regering har ønsket en sådan test)

“We don’t see these people as Muslim refugees. We see them as Muslim invaders”

– Viktor Orbán, Ungarns premierminister

“Det, som Danmark gør, er, at de forsøger at være en Ungarn-light. De prøver at skræmme flygtningene væk”

– Jonas Sjöstedt,  Sveriges statsminister



“I 2015 udnævnte Dansk Sprognævn ”flygtningestrømme” til at være årets ord. ’Strømmene’ blev da også heftigt diskuteret i de danske medier det år, særligt da hundredevis af mennesker krydsede igennem Danmark til fods for at søge asyl i Sverige.

          Responsen kom hurtigt fra de danske teatre og scenekunstnere, hos hvem ’flygtninge’ og flugt blev populære emner. Med disse tiltag følger dog en række etiske dilemmaer og spørgsmål, der naturligt opstår, når den privilegerede skare taler om, på vegne af og/eller med de marginaliserede i et forsøg på at ”udviske grænsen mellem kunst og aktivisme” for at bruge teaterforsker og dramaturg Solveig Gades ord (Gade 2018).1 Desværre bliver disse spørgsmål alt for hurtigt forsøgt besvaret med konklusioner, der taler klart for eller imod politisk teater, for eller imod inddragelse, for eller imod teatrets potentielle impact. Få forsøger ”at blive i problemerne”, som filosoffen Donna J. Haraway har kaldt det (Haraway 2016), dvs. at blive i ubehaget og turde belyse flere sider og modsatrettede perspektiver. Der findes selvfølgelig forestillinger, der lader til kun at gøre ondt værre (fx ved at forstærke eksisterende problemer eller give publikum en art falsk aflad), men der findes også adskillige eksempler på, at det både er problematisk og frugtbart, når privilegerede stemmer kaster sig over repræsentationen af marginaliserede på scenen. De fire her udvalgte værker åbner både op for vigtige debatter og tematikker, der tillader os at blive i bestemte (og interessante) problemer, men indeholder også håb. I stedet for at gå til mine analyseobjekter med “mistankens hermeneutik”, vil jeg altså lave en ”reparativ læsning”. Som queerteoretiker Eve Sedgwick forklarer, er håb netop en af ”de energier, hvormed den reparativt placerede læser forsøger at organisere de fragmenter og delobjekter, hun møder” (Sedgwick 2002, 146). Kort sagt ønsker jeg at blive i problemerne, uden at begrænse mig selv til kun at se problemer.”


kilde: https://tidsskrift.dk/peripeti/article/view/109637/158983



spytklatten der gik viralt


 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022




  • Smykkeloven vedtages i Danmark – flygtninges kontanter og værdigenstande kan beslaglægges
  • Up to 190 shipping containers are on their way to Lesvos, Samos and Chios, to be used as offices by 600 EU asylum officials and 430 interpreters. According to the terms of the deal between the EU and Turkey that came into effect on 20 March, ‘all new irregular migrants crossing from Turkey to the Greek islands  will be returned to Turkey’.
  • Brexit
  • Balkan-ruten lukkes – hvor der førhen var åbne grænser
  • Tyrkiet-aftalen – For hver flygtning, som sendes tilbage fra de græske øer til Tyrkiet, lover EU at tage imod en syrisk asylansøger.  Til gengæld får Tyrkiet 40 milliarder kroner + tyrkerne stilles visumfri indrejse til Europa i udsigt – samt nye, forhandlinger om tyrkisk medlemskab af EU. Amnesty International betegner aftalen som ’et historisk slag mod menneskerettighederne’.
  • Trump bliver valgt i USA




You tell me you’re scared

 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022




  • Antallet af Sydsudanesiske flygtninge i Uganda nåede over 1 million
  • Ifølge FN’s Flygtningeorganisation, UNHCR, var der ved årets udgang 68,5 mio mennesker på flugt: internt fordrevne (knap 38 mio), flygtninge (knap 27 mio over egne grænser) og asylansøgere (knap 3 mio)





Fertility statistics – Statistics Explained

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022




  • Det planlægges at afviste asylansøgere i Danmark skal placeres på øen Lindholm
  • Marrakesh-aftalen nægtes oversat af den danske regering, hvorefter nationalistiske Dansk Folkeparti oversætter den
  • Ifølge FN’s Flygtningeorganisation, UNHCR, var der ved årets udgang:
    • 25,9 millioner flygtninge,  3,5 millioner asylansøgere, 41,3 millioner internt fordrevne –  ialt 70,8 mio mennesker på flugt
  • 120 mænd, kvinder og børn, alle migranter, i demonstration på Sappho Square i Athen mod en ung mands død i flygtninge lejren Moria, overfaldes af racister og politiet og anklages derefter kollektivt for opfordring til oprør




*Safe, Orderly and Regular migration i udkastet til Marrakesh-Aftalen* kenneth genindsætter understregninger


Kornkammer: Et humanistisk manifest

Hanne Højgaard Viemose & Lone Aburas_ Et humanistisk manifest

STOP KILLING UD SLOWLY – En forskningsrapport om kriminaliseringen af afviste asylansøgere i Danmark


Feature: A look into the main Organisation providing “aid” to refugees in Greece’s most notorious detention centre.

Who are they? How did they get there? What is their agenda?

EuroRelief has been the main provider of housing and aid to refugees in Moria since late 2015. However, if you speak to any refugees who have had to endure their services, you would find out that they provide anything but aid.

This week EroRelief have been busy. They focused all their efforts toward cleaning the rubbish out of Moria and got rid of all the tents that people have been living in for months. This was done just in time for a visit by European journalists and politicians who came to inspect the detention centre. After all, Moria is only open to the media on very special occasions.

‘They made Moria look like a hotel… but Moria is a hotel only for a day. The Greek government and European NGOs do not want the world to know the reality in Moria. Here is proof, Claimed Arash, who has lived in Moria for more than a year and a half:




2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022




  • “Frontex-soldater” bliver det nye ord
  • På Samos forlader karismatiske Bogdan Andrei den NGO, han skabte i 2016, Samos Volunteers, efter 3.5 års fokus på 9000 flygtninges kummerlige vilkår i en gammel militærforlægning.
  • Den danske integrationsminister beslutter at “Danmark behøver en pause” og afviser at tage imod de aftale kvoteflygtninge – de allermest udsatte. Danmark står alene med den beslutning.
  • På grund af en alt for langsommelig behandlingsproces holdes titusinder af asylansøgere på græske øer i overfyldte, uhygiejniske og kummerlige flygtningelejre, som nødhjælpsorganisationer beskriver som »umenneskelige«.
  • 122.624 migranter og flygtninge krydsede EU’s grænser
  • Ghettopakken indføres (indeholder bl.a. dobbelt straf for indbyggere i en såkaldt ghetto)
  • Stramninger afskærer flygtninge i Danmark fra hjælp til medicin og tandlægebesøg



A report from Council of Europe (feb) states: 

“The humanitarian situation of asylum seekers in the Reception and Identification Centres on Lesbos, Samos and Chios have remained critical for many years, the Committee on Migration warned. Many are housed in tents with inadequate sanitary installations, insufficient food, lacking health services and poor security.

Following the proposals by the rapporteur, Petra de Sutter (Belgium, SOC), the Committee stated that the Greek authorities should “rapidly improve the housing, sanitary and security situations inside the overcrowded Reception and Identification Centres of Lesbos, Samos and Chios”. The authorities should also revise the practice under which transfers to mainland Greece require vulnerability or a serious medical condition of the asylum applicant, duly identify and register all migrants arriving by boat on Greek islands and ensure that unaccompanied minors and women are particularly protected against violence.

According to the Committee, The Turkish authorities should increase their efforts to ensure that human traffickers and smugglers “cannot act with impunity when moving migrants to Greece”, while the European Union should assist Greece in accommodating asylum seekers and refugees as well as managing external EU borders and reintroduce financing programmes of humanitarian projects operated by NGOs, “which allow for more decentralised projects closer to the persons in need”.”






In the right place follows Bogdan Andrei, the charismatic leader of a volunteer organisation in a Greek refugee camp. His NGO Samos Volunteers supports migrants with language classes, education, and a launderette.


Three years later, he is moving to Germany to live together with his girlfriend, whom he also met on the island. As Bogdan returns to the mainland, he realises that his heart is split in half between Samos and his new life.

kilde: https://intherightplacefilm.com

The film was created by Sam van Zoest, who first met Bogdan when he arrived on Samos as a volunteer himself. Sam: “I of stumbled upon him as he happened to be the leader of the volunteer group. Immediately I was struck by his charisma and humbleness. Where others withered under the grave circumstances we faced on Samos, Bogdan thrived. The social aspect energized him, and this in turn fueled the entire group. As one of the volunteers remarked: he was the backbone of Alpha. When Bogdan announced that he was leaving the island, I knew I had to capture his story. How does one adjust to normal life on the mainland after being in a position of leadership under extreme circumstances?”

Bogdan Andrei
Sabine Klasen

Dutch – Tomas Zenas
Farsi – Nima Moradi
French – Douglas Grenville
German – Katinka Schlette
Italian – Simone Innico
Korean – Alex Cho
Polish – Jagna Wiśniewska
Portuguese – Inês Matos
Spanish – Agus Oliveri

The conditions on Samos—as well as the other islands—are deplorable.

“C’est l’enfer,” said Jean, a forty-year-old refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo told me a week after he arrived on Samos with his six-year-old daughter. It is hell.

Aref Kassem, his wife Fariba and three of their children, refugees from Afghanistan, are lucky because they live in the camp itself, rather than the Jungle. They stay in a container with fifteen other families. Their own space is two meters by two meters, separated from those of the others by curtains. The container has four toilets and one shower, used not only by the residents of the container, but by the refugees living in the Jungle, where there are no toilet facilities at all.

“It is not a place for human beings,” said Aref.

To obtain breakfast, which consists of a small pastry and a juice box, residents must rise at 2 am and wait in line for six hours. This process is repeated for lunch and dinner. It is so arduous that many of the residents buy their own food in the town.

Violence is a consequence of the extreme overcrowding and the deplorable conditions. The fighting on the evening of the fire resulted in stab wounds. Clashes are especially common in the food line.

“There is always fighting in the line. Every day. Every breakfast. Every lunch. Every dinner. Women against women. I was in front of you. I was here first,” said Farzaad. “Every day. Sometimes with knifes. I saw one guy stab another.”

The camp and the Jungle are both filthy, and there are snakes, scorpions, rats and bedbugs.

“Some of the refugees bring stray cats to the camp in the hopes they will chase away the rats,” said Abdul, a refugee from Yemen. “But the rats are so big that the cats are afraid of them.”



i alverdens lande



2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022




  • ISIL tager ansvaret for mange dræbte i ceremoni i Kabul, Afghanistan (marts) 
  • Dansk Folkeparti forsøger igen at få Danmark til at annullere ratificeringen af Marrakesh-aftalen (maj)
  • Corona-krisen:
    • Læger og andre frivillige kan ikke rejse eller skal i karantæne før de kan arbejde på de græske øer
    • Flygtninge i lejrene har ikke adgang til sprit, mundbind, tests etc og har ikke mulighed for at holde afstand
    • Lejre i lockdown, så smittede er spærrede inde sammen med ikke-smittede
  • Morialejren på Lesvos brænder ned til grunden (september):
    • Cirka 13.000 flygtninge bliver hjemløse
    • Europa har svært ved at afgøre, hvem der skal tage 7000 uledsagede børn
    • Børn og voksne fra lejren sover tilfældige steder – på motorvejen, i olivenplantager, på gaden



… Belgian residents have stepped in to help. They help feed and house the migrants and keep them from sleeping on the streets, where they risk arrest by the police. Gare du Nord, once the busiest train station in Brussels, the Belgian capital, has been nearly empty of regular travelers after the lockdown, since most trains have been canceled. But twice a day, a long line of migrants waits along a platform for food and hygienic supplies.

Nabil Moujahid, a 33-year-old schoolteacher, started a grass-roots initiative called ‘I Could Be One of Them’: Citizens in Solidarity to distribute food to migrants who gather in the Parc Maximilien near the station.

“We have a rotating system with other volunteers in order to ensure that we give out meals twice a day,” he said. “These people really count on it.” Each day, the volunteers distribute about 500 aid packages, and not just to migrants, said Mr. Moujahid, who comes out to help eight times a week. …

Kilde: NY Times: I Could be one of them  [PDF]

humanitarian crisis, græsrodsrapport aug. 2020


On Sunday, October 11, Mohammad was lying on the road, holding his foot and screaming in pain. “You treat us worse than dogs!” he shouted at the hospital. A twenty-year-old refugee from the province of Homs in Syria he, like so many of his countrymen, had fled the war in an attempt to build a life in Europe. He arrived on the Greek island of Samos, where he has been living for the last thirteen months.


Mohammad is one of over 2.5 million refugees who since 2015 have been fleeing war, torture and rape—mostly in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq—and making their way to Europe. Many of them used Samos, Lesbos and several other Aegean islands as the gateway, making the short but dangerous crossing from Turkey in ramshackle boats. Initially they were permitted to continue to the Greek mainland and eventually on to Western Europe. However, the 2016 agreement between Turkey and the European Union forced asylum seekers to remain on the islands, turning them into virtual prisons. There they would stay—some of them for years—in abhorrent conditions, living in overcrowded, filthy camps that have been compared to concentration camps.


 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022



  • Antallet af både fra Tyrkiet til de græske øer er faldet drastisk igennem de seneste par år pga corona og på grund af ulovlige pushbacks med hjælp fra adskillige EU-landes kystvagtskibe
  • Josie Naughton fra Choose Love tager initiativ til en åben opfordring til EU om at lukke Moria på Lesvos og ophøre den umenneskelige behandling af flygtninge, og 450 organisationer, bevægelser, parlamentarikere, politikere og medlemmer af EU-parlamentet skriver under.
  • Moria 2.0 bliver testområde for overvågning (marts 21) – efterfølgende vil alle planlagte lejre på de græske øer benytte nyeste teknologier
  • Tusinder af flygtninge er oktober ’21 i færd med at dø under åben himmel på et jordstykke mellem Polen og Hvideruslands væbnede styrker, mens kun verdenspressens journalister synes at bemærke det
  • På Samos lukker læge-NGO’en Med’EqualiTeam og måltidsordningen Armonia pga. det lave antal flygtninge, mindre end 300 i 2021 mod over 9000 i 2019
  • Den første af i alt 6 opholds- og udsendelseslejre på udvalgte græske øer, opført for EU-midler (ialt 500 mio KR.), åbnes på Samos i oktober 2021 efter flere års arbejde
  • Danmark og 11 andre lande underskriver en appel om de facto at gøre PushBack lovligt. De europæiske lande der modtager flest flygtninge underskriver ikke.
  • Tusinder flygter fra Afghanistan, da Taliban genovertager magten efterfølgende USAs tilbagetrækning af tropper



Åh, Afghanistan!

Am I Danish?: Ibrahim vs the Ghetto Laws

“Ibrahim questions what it means to be Danish in his fight to stop Denmark’s controversial ghetto laws. “It affects me that Denmark, which I love and care about, punishes me because of the family I was born into,” says 19-year-old Ibrahim el-Hassan.El-Hassan was born in Denmark, but is considered a “non-Western descendant”. He grew up in Vollsmose, a suburb classified by authorities as a “hard ghetto”. When the Danish government introduces its “ghetto package” of laws, El-Hassan decides to defend his neighbourhood. Armed with social media and a petition, he begins a summer of protests which eventually take him to the halls of Denmark’s Parliament.”



“IN 1956 the Suez Crisis forced the Egyptian-born cookery writer and her Jewish family to flee Cairo for London. She tells the Economist’s Anne McElvoy why she collected the recipes of fellow refugees to keep the flavours of home alive and what food tells us about stories of migration.



Press Statement On Denmark’s Alien Act provision to Externalize Asylum procedures to third countries


The African Union (AU) has roundly condemned new Danish legislation that allows asylum claims filed with the country to be processed elsewhere – a move the AU says is an abdication of responsibility that will pave the way for other rich countries to try to make poor states host even more of the world’s refugees.


EU Executive Urges Investigation on Illegal Migrant Pushbacks in Greece & Croatia

Several NGOs and media have recently pointed fingers at Greek and Croatian officials for allegedly pushing back illegal migrant pushbacks reaching their territory, which has led the European Union’s executive to call for a profound investigation in this regard.

A recent report published by German media Der Spiegel and ARD showed that officials in Greek and Croatia were involved in such illegal operations while it stressed that special forces from both countries sometimes concealed their identity during these operations, SchengenVisaInfo.com reports.

As reported by the Guardian, such a report had video footage of a total of 11 pushbacks by Croatian police officials into Bosnia and Herzegovina and also footage of the Greek coast guard pushing migrants back to the Aegean Sea.

Regarding the issue, a spokesman for the executive European Commission has stressed that an investigation should be initiated.

“The Commission strongly opposes any pushback practices and has repeatedly emphasised that any such practices are illegal, and the national authorities have the responsibility to investigate any allegations, with a view to establishing the facts and to properly follow up on any wrongdoing,” he pointed out.

The Interior Minister of Croatia, Davor Bozinovic, told German media that the police would conduct an investigation; however, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) has published a video on Twitter stressing that there is overwhelming evidence that Croatia is involved in illegal pushbacks; therefore, it must not join Schengen.



“Make Pushbacks legal” – joint letter [Countries receiving the most asylum applications did not sign. Denmark did.]



FORTRESS EUROPE: A group of 12 EU countries is calling on Brussels to toughen border measures against migrants — ahead of a discussion on the reform of the Schengen Borders Code, which governs the EU’s joint travel area.

New world order: Europe “needs to adapt the existing legal framework to the new realities,” such as the “instrumentalisation of illegal migration,” reads a letter signed by Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia, obtained by Playbook. You can read it in full here. [PDF]

Don’t mention pushbacks: The “p” word is not mentioned, but some diplomats are already referring to the proposal as a call to “legalize pushbacks.”

Verbatim: The letter calls for “safeguards in the EU law allowing Member States to act swiftly and proportionally to the threat, in defence of their national security and the security of whole EU,” arguing that “in practice border surveillance does not stop persons from attempting illegal border crossings and it would therefore be useful to complement it with further preventive measures.”

Build the wall (with EU money): “Physical barrier appears to be an effective border protection measure that serves the interest of whole EU,” the letter reads. “This legitimate measure should be additionally and adequately funded from the EU budget as a matter of priority.”

Not part of it: France, Germany and Spain — the countries that get the most asylum applications — did not sign the letter.

JHA DISCUSSION: The EU’s home affairs ministers meet in Luxembourg today. On the agenda is a discussion on strengthening the EU’s external borders, and the question of screening and detaining migrants who arrive at the border. They will also exchange views on different migration routes.


 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022



  • Udvisning af afghansk flygtning stadfæstes. (februar) “Flygtningenævnet baserer beslutningen på vurderinger fra Udlændingestyrelsen og EU, der mener, at den generelle sikkerhedssituation i Afghanistan er forbedret. Samtidig vurderer Udlændingestyrelsen, EU og FN dog, at situationen er ustabil og skrøbelig. Regeringen skal nu vurdere, om den vil samarbejde med Taleban om tvangshjemsendelser.” 
  • Rusland invaderer Ukraine (februar) 
    • Ukrainske flygtninge får tilladelse til at krydse grænsen til Polen uden visum
    • Udvekslingsstuderende fra ikke-vestlige lande bosat i Ukraine udsættes for chkane og får ikke lov at forlade landet
  • Afviste asylansøgere sendes til Kosovo for at afsone straffen der, fordi Danmark kan leje blligere fængselsstraf




Amrulah Salah på Twitter



Rapport: https://via.ritzau.dk/data/attachments/00940/a334d665-3fb2-4698-9977-f4c90b82b0ed.pdf

billede fra rapporten, fotokreditering:

Rune Dyrholm/Forsvarsgalleriet. Danske evakueringsberettigede på vej ud af Forsvarets Herkulesfly, som netop er landet i Islamabads Lufthavn fra Kabul.

maj 2022: 100.000.000 mennesker på flugt

23. maj 2022 – over 100 mio mennesker på flugt i verden nu

9. juni 2022 – UNHCRs Flygtningedatasøgemaskine, nu 101.1 mio på flugt

IDPs – internt fordrevne (det er de fleste)
Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate – flygtninge som UNHCRs håndterer
Refugees under UNRWA’s mandate
– flygtninge som UNRWAs håndterer
[hvad er forskellen på UNHCR og UNRWA?]
Asylum seekers – asylansøgere
Venezuelans displaced abroad – venezuelanere flygtet ud af landet og kontinentet for at undslippe ufred, hungersnød oma.
Latest available estimates – seneste tilgængelige tal

Læs mere: What is the difference between population statistics for forcibly displaced and the population of concern to UNHCR?

2. juni 2022 – Næsten hele byrden med at hjælpe flygtningene bæres af ganske få lande, mens de rigeste lande svigter deres ansvar.

I 2012 var 41 millioner på flugt globalt. I 2019 var det 79,5 millioner. Allerede i slutningen af 2021 nærmede tallet sig 90 millioner, ifølge UNHCR især på grund af nye eller langvarige konflikter i lande som Etiopien, Burkina Faso, Myanmar, Nigeria og Afghanistan.

Det, der nu har skubbet os forbi den tragiske milepæl på 100 millioner, er krigen i Ukraine, der har tvunget omkring 14 millioner på flugt – halvdelen har forladt landet, mens resten er internt fordrevne.

Ifølge FN er det udviklingslandene, der huser 85 procent af verdens flygtninge. Tag eksempelvis et land som Libanon, et land med 6,8 millioner indbyggere, som er vært for 1,7 millioner flygtninge. Og sammenlign det med Japan, der har verdens tredjestørste økonomi og en befolkning på 126 millioner indbyggere, men som sidste år tog imod blot 74 flygtninge.

Ingen tvivl om, at mennesker på flugt gerne vil i sikkerhed, tæt på eller længst muligt væk fra krisen – sådan er vi så forskellige. Princippet om at hjælpe sine naboer holder stik i mange lande, der grænser op til kriselande, hvor folk således både kan og må vente, ofte i årevis, på at kunne vende tilbage til et stabiliseret land. Men hvis så mange mennesker flygter, at nabolandene selv kommer i ubalance ved at hjælpe, fortsætter strømmene mod sikkerhed og tryghed “et andet sted”. Europa er et sådant sted.

Koalitionen af Europæiske lange, altså EU, gør dog hvad vi kan for at undgå at skulle hjælpe alt for meget. Sådan er det typisk, når afstanden mellem velstående og fattig bliver for stor: “Vi vil gerne hjælpe dig, men gå et andet sted hen og spis dine bønner. Ikke hér, ikke hér!” Måske mangler forståelsen ikke, men frygten for at miste velstand og velfærd afføder givet manglende indlevelse i flygtedes behov, og jo tættere på grænsekrydsningerne, desto voldsommere modstanden:

… den øgede brug af illegale og voldelige pushbacks, som Dansk Flygtningehjælp længe har dokumenteret, er et udtryk for, at retten til at søge asyl er blevet undermineret i Europa.

Dermed er EU på en moralsk retræte. Vores kontinent fremstår som et stadig dårligere eksempel på globalt plan, når vi kaster ellers etablerede humanitære principper ud ad vinduet – og samtidig overdrager ansvaret og byrden til verden uden for Fort Europa.

Citater: Information (betalingsmur)


30. november 2022
LEDER EU’s politik har mindsket antallet af flygtninge. Men den har samtidig været moralsk forkastelig [betalingsmur]




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